[Top Stories] France grief over Notre Dame Cathedral Destruction

One of France most famous structure, faced a devastating fate.
It was on the 15th April 2019 at about 18:43 (16:43GMT) that there was a fire outbreak in the Notre Dame Cathedral.

The Notre Dame Cathedral is one of France and Rome's most magnificent and most famous structure which was contructed from 1163-1345.This magnificent structure is visited by over a million people a year.

15th April 2019 will be a year the French people and the world will not forget in a hurry as the Notre Dame Cathedral was destroyed. The blaze was discovered at about 18:43 (16:43GMT), the firefighters we're called. The flames quickly reached the roof of the Cathedra, destroying the wooden interior before toppling the spire.

French President Emmanuel Macron has committed to rebuilding Notre-Dame Cathedral within five years, just a day after a fire gutted the cathedral.
"We will rebuild Notre-Dame even more beautifully and I want it to be completed in five years. We can do it," Macron said Tuesday in a television address to the nation.

Millions have been pledged to rebuild the Cathedral and France President Emmanuel Macron vowed to reconstruct the historic building while a number of companies and business tycoons have so far pledged about $ 1 billion between them.
