[Event] Believers Love World Campus Ministry presents, T.I.E Conference Cameroon 2019

Believers Love World Campus Ministry calls on all within and out of Cameroon for a conference like no other.

The T.I.E(Training Inspiration Empowerment) Conference is quiet a unique and one of a kind training avenue in the BLW Campus Ministry this month. This Conference will host the likes of the C.M.D and Ministers of the gospel from around the world.

The good news is, this Training Inspiration and Empowerment Conference will be held in Cameroon-Buea. And this conference is free to all.
The TIE Conferences are designed to inculcate, educate and inform our young Campus leaders about our ministry, our vision, our structures, our motivation and our convictions with the aim of making them more committed with an excellent understanding of ministry hence improving the quality & readiness of our future core work force. 
The TIE Conferences typically stir up passionate involvement in pioneering, which results in improved output towards the fulfillment of our vision in the regions where they are organized.
The TIE Conferences also educates young people on our message, the environment, and government to prepare them for the world of their time and the future that they face.

More About The T.I.E Conference

*This conference is a place were many from all fields and works of life are TRAINED by experts with plenty of experience.

*Also it will be and avenue were people will receive INSPIRATION that is, those teaching are sharing their experience to inspire others by giving them a new mindset

*Again this conference is an avenue of EMPOWERMENT. This is one of the most important factor of this conference ... to see many believe in themselves.

This conference will run for 3 days and will be end on Sunday. This is and open invitation to all.

Photos of previous T.I.E Conferences
T.I.E conference USA 2019

T.I.E conference Cameroon 2018

T.I.E conference South Africa 2018

T.I.E conference Zimbabwe
