[Meditation] What the Father is saying Tuesday, 1 October 2019| with Apostle Lefor Divine D.
Build your capacity in the word of God and understand what the Father has for you daily by meditating with the Man of God Apostle Lefor Divine D.
1st October 2019
*Ecclesiastes 9:4*
_"...for a living dog is better than a dead lion."_
Life is a precious thing, and in its humblest form it is superior to death. It is better to ponder on this brief statement long enough today to see that no man is of any use dead.
A living dog may not rule like a lion in the forest but will protect a little hut than a lion that is dead. *So while it may not have the roar of a lion, its bark is much more noisier than the silence of death.* _To be alive is to be conscious of your environment and know how to respond to it._
There is hope as long as there is life. What is dead is hopeless. You can be hopeful of a better tomorrow even when today has not dealt you with the best cards, as long as you are alive. On this earth, I can say the final whistle is blown only when death knocks and is embraced. _Until then, fear not, there is hope!_
You may not have met a deadline but that was set by you and you did that as a human without knowing all the facts. So no matter the setbacks, there is another chance whenever the renewed mercies of God allows breath in your nostrils. A chance to be better and even master what had mastered you before. Wisdom therefore teaches us to value life and when we do, we will make the best decisions to preserve the life we have got at all cost. This was the first test of Solomon's wisdom; *his value for life!*
To be alive is to recognize our responbilities and not ignore them but take them up in love and patience. *Place a value on life and know that life is proof you can change your tomorrow as long as you still have it.* Remember, it is written, _"There is hope only for the living. As they say, “It’s better to be a live dog than a dead lion!” " (Eccl 9:4 NLT)_
_*"Thank you Father for life. I value my life and the lives of others. I have hope for a great tomorrow because I am alive today and I take up my responsibilities with love and patience."*_
Good News!!! The famous prophetic epistle of the Apostle of Wisdom is here again with a fresh Word from God concerning this new month October. *The words of the Sent One never falls to the ground.* _Order for a free copy now using the contacts below._
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