Wednesday 2nd October 2019
*Matthew 13:11(ESV)*
_"And he answered them, 'To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven...' "_
The Kingdom of God has secrets. These are not some mysterious stuffs but *keys* that unlock the wondrous things in the Kingdom. _Every revelation knowledge is a key (Luke 11:52)._ And the Lord gives you these keys through your Sent One. He said to Peter the Apostle, _"And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."_ So anyone with these keys commands heaven on earth!
*One of the main reasons He gave us the Spirit is that we may know these things of the Kingdom.* They cannot be carnally discerned. Even if the Man of God preaches or teaches with all wisdom, it must be given to you to know these things. Thank God for His Spirit within you. It is written, _"Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God" (1 Cor 2:12)._
Now that it has been given to me to know and understand the things of the Kingdom, why will I throw away any opportunity of benefiting from these revelations by staying away from church fellowship? It was given to the disciples to understand but they couldn't *understand* what they didn't *know*! So they had to be in Jesus' presence continuously and listen to His teachings, then they could lay hold of the keys to the Kingdom.
_Let it be so today in your life and forever as you keep continuous fellowship with God by fellowshipping with the brethren._
_*"I have the Spirit of God and I have the ability to understand Kingdom principles. I keep constant fellowship with God and with the brethren and as I receive revelation from my Ministry Gift, I stay in charge over the affairs of life."*_
The prophetic Word for the month of *October* as declared by the Man of God *Apostle Lefor Divine D.* is *"MY DUE TIME".*
Order for a free copy of the full prophetic epistle today using the information below.
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